Did you know that massaging your breasts is one of the most important routines of a woman’s day?
Our lymphatic system is responsible for keeping our body’s tissues clean and healthy and for producing the cells that kill off bacteria, viruses and cancer cells in our body, i.e. our immune system. The lymphatic fluid that flows through our body to do this work is moved in three ways; respiration, muscle movement and manual manipulation. Without this movement, the fluid becomes stagnant and the tissue it permeates (fascia) becomes thicker and more uncomfortable, or dis-eased.
This fascial membrane is continuous throughout our bodies, and compression or congestion in one area affects the whole, causing aches, pains and swelling.
Exercise is vitally important in moving this fluid. When we exercise, our muscles move, our breathing rate increases, and the lymph fluid is pumped around all body parts – except the breast!
The increase in flow to the breast is minimal as the breast tissue has no muscle. It lies over the pectoral muscles in the chest. Add to that the fact that most women constantly restrict this area with a bra and it is easy to understand why breasts become painful and problematic.
Manual manipulation is the only effective way to ensure fluid movement throughout breast tissue.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage, performed before breast massage, ensures that the lymphatic fluid from the breast has a pathway in which to drain.
Regular breast massage helps to keep tissue healthy and pain-free and will bring attention to any changes that develop. Breast changes are a normal part of our monthly cycle. Other changes happen during menopause, and while these may cause concern, most often they are a normal part of what is known as the involution process whereby functional tissue turns to fat. Cysts and other 'lumps' may be felt during this process which is quite natural. These may, or may not, cause discomfort.
As you perform a simple daily routine, be aware of any areas of soreness or firmness and take note of how those areas change as you do this technique each day. Most issues will resolve, and if not, then you will know to seek medical attention. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the higher the chance of survival with less treatment. Keep in mind that most breast issues are benign and that all women will experience cyst formation during menopause.
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